Showing 6 Result(s)

Time Management and Prioritization in ICU Story Time

Hey guys! I share with you all my thoughts on time management and prioritization while working in the ICU. If you have any questions leave it in the comment section below. Thanks!!!! DON’T FORGET TO VISIT THE BLOG TO LEARN MORE More nursing related content check out and subscribe to my blog posts at …

The secret to self control | Jonathan Bricker | TEDxRainier

Jonathan Bricker’s work has uncovered a scientifically sound approach to behavior change that is twice as effective as most currently practiced methods. His new methods are driving new norms and new apps for how people quit smoking and decrease obesity, saving many people from an early death. Jonathan Bricker is an internationally recognized scientific leader …

Is the Mind-Body Connection Scientific?

Neuroscientists Richard Davidson and Amishi Jha and clinical mindfulness expert Jon Kabat-Zinn discuss the science behind the mind-body connection. An excerpt from “Becoming Conscious: The Science of Mindfulness” featuring Steve Paulson, Richard Davidson, Jon Kabat-Zinn & Amishi Jha. The New York Academy of Sciences Wednesday, February 6, 2013 source