Showing 725 Result(s)

Managing Your Time, when Music isn’t Your "Day Job"

[ad_1] You CAN do everything. Repeat. You CAN do everything. What you cannot do, however, is do everything at the same time, or create a day that’s longer than 24 hours. The two most important aspects of time management are acceptance and choice. When you think of time in terms of acceptance and choice, you’re …

What to Do When an Audience Member Disagrees With You

[ad_1] Some people enjoy drawing attention to themselves by trying to trip you up on a fact or statistic during your presentation. A few will find something you say threatening to their secure view of the universe and want you to know that ” You are dead wrong!!” When this happens it is important to …

How About Some Coffee With Your Skin Care?

[ad_1] Coffee and skin care? It might surprise you to learn that in 2006 in the United States over 140 skin care products containing caffeine were launched compared to just 21 in 2003. Coffee had a hard time of it in the 20th century while the U.S. Food and Drug Administration waffled over whether it …

Source of Life – Gives Hope in Adversity?

[ad_1] As we know, social disorder and personal problems exist in human society and in our individual circumstances. We could end up immersing ourselves in negativity about this if we are not careful. Keeping ourselves awake at night with worry. Cursing fate for our plight. We might doubt whether there is any source of goodness …

What Is Psychological Stress?

[ad_1] Stress is a complex term to define. It’s simplest definition might be that it is an event or situation that forces a person to adapt to the event. Stress is the event itself and the reaction to that event within the person experiencing it. Thus stress is completely subjective. What may be stressful to …

Do Fairy Tales Exists?

[ad_1] Love at first sight. They see each other from across the room. Their eyes lock. Every other person fades out. The music starts. He walks over to her and it’s just as if they’ve know each other their entire lives. They kiss. They marry. And 2.5 kids later and a black lab, they live …