Final Movement

Final Movement

I love finding shots that I never planned to shoot. As I was driving back home from a long day of shooting in the Columbia River Gorge, I happened to be right next to Rooster Rock state park just as the sun was about to dip down below the horizon. With one last burst of energy and self-discipline I managed to get myself to pull off the highway and see if I could get one last shot. I’ve been to Rooster Rock at least several times before but I’ve never been there at such a low tide so I scrambled out of the car and down to the river. I had about 5 minutes to shoot before the sun dipped behind the horizon and this is what I managed to come up with.
Shot Info: Pentax K1 – Pentax 15-30mm f/2.8 @ f/8
2 Shot stack for focus and 1 extra for exposure blend

Posted by AirHaake on 2018-09-30 19:35:52

Tagged: , Rooster Rock , State Park , Sunset , Sunstar , Sun , Columbia River Gorge , Oregon , River , Atmosphere , Orange , Light

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