Lights On… Its Fruit and Honey… Camera Rolling…

Lights On... Its Fruit and Honey... Camera Rolling...

© Capt Suresh Sharma. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Today, after having dispatched our kids to their respective schools, my wife and me went to Cactus Garden. While scouting around at the Garden, we came across this small tree of Carambola fruit, its colloquial name is `charmakh’. My wife picked up some fallen Carambolas, also known as Star Fruit, and I was lucky to get one with few green leaves, which were still holding on to a small branch. It’s a citric fruit, sweet and sour, juicy. Sure enough, I got it home and set up the Elinchrom lights, got tea ready for both of us, sort of bribe for my wife to work as `light boy’ with me.

We started shooting, it was my first shoot with fruit under Elinchrom lights. I am very far from achieving stunningly professional results as yet. So, tried few angles and then thought of playing some mischief and have some fun with it. I started hunting for a `eye dropper’ used for administering `eye medicine liquid’. Basically, I wanted to try some water dripping from the acuminate of green leaves. Soon, with two shots I found that water was thin to hold on to the glazed leaves, this gave me idea to try glycerin. When that also did not work that well, then I tried honey, which gets thicker in winter or place in fridge for a while (works like magic). My wife and me worked for about half an hour to get the shot right. Finally, we made some honey drip from the bottom cone of the fruit. It was basically fun with fruit, droplet and Elinchroms. After few droplets, I got used to it and knew exactly when the droplet is going to fall. If one practices with full concentration, one is bound to learn very quickly about the `nitty-gritty’ of anything one wants to accomplish. Samething goes with snake shoots, I learn with each individual snake about when its going to flick its tongue next, so I could be ready to press just button switch just a `mili-second’ before the tongue is flicked. One has to be totally engrossed in whatever you are doing, then only you will get results. And photography is no different, its needs a very high degree of self-discipline and hard work with full concentration.

This image is nothing very stunning to boast of about anything. It was just to have fun with lights, today. It’s a very basic lighting.

I have used two lights, one fitted with snoot and grid, second one with reflector and grid. Since the light was very controlled, so there was no need of any dark background. It was shot inside my room, the curtains were pulled and the background got no light, so it became my fav `black background’.

Hope some of my friends will be happy that there is no watermark on this image.



Posted by Captain Suresh Sharma on 2009-12-01 13:12:29

Tagged: , asia , chandigarh , indian fruit , citrus fruit , yellow colour fruit , star fruit , green leaves backlit , flash photography , elinchrom trobes , studio photography , photography by capt suresh sharma , indoor photography , phhotography under controlled conditions , cactus garden at panchkula , garden by dr sarkaria , light and shade , elinchrom strobes , backlit green leaves , how to make a droplet , black background , images of fruit , photos of citrus fruit , fruit photos , fruit images , best fruit images , fruit image on black background , Droplet dripping , honey droplet , charmakh fruit , team of capt suresh and dr rajbir , photographer couple , adventurous couple , wildlife couple , wild fruit , work with elinchrom , indoor nature photography , where to learn flash photography , best flash photography , fruit photography , table top photography , yellow colour , yellow color , how to make black background , fruit on black background , where to buy photos for interior decoration in india

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