Choir Camp – Night of Mayhem

Choir Camp - Night of Mayhem

It hit me when I watched our choir perform to their parents this evening, that I was indeed, leaving behind a part of my life that had spanned 3 years, and that the choir, Ben and Greg had been a significant part of it all. From deep within I was overwhelmed by sadness at letting go of something that had mattered to me for so long now, and distress over the uncertainty of how our choir would proceed from hereon, and anger that everything we had done to build them to what they are now, will be destroyed by neglect and mishandling by scatterbrained colleagues with no interest or respect for choral singing.

It wasn’t however, the heavy and helpless sadness I feel when I experience depression, but rather, a sweet sorrow that reminded me I have the emotional capacity to care deeply about others.

I was thankful for their quiet company after the furore of running a 2 day camp with energetic teenagers, as we sat looking out at the rain, and the school shrouded in darkness across the street. There had been management hiccups in the execution of this camp, but they did not compromise on the experience that the students had of it, and we accomplished everything we had set out to achieve when we decided to do this in the first place. It is a fitting end to my years here, and I’m happy, knowing that I made a difference to this lot, at least, and can move on with peace of mind.

Posted by iwillnotsuccumb on 2007-11-21 16:24:11

Tagged: , coro , coral , choir , choral , muzica choral , choral and orchestra , muziex , musik , musica religiosa , schola cantorum , kirchen chor , polifonia , poluphonie , chant polyphonique , polifónica , ”música coral polifónica

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