A Moving Story About Gratitude

Practicing gratitude and implementing it in our lives through prayer, lists, sharing, is a major part in realizing the good we have already, like right now, in our lives! It’s a real game changer.

My approach with gratitude though was always viewed through the lens of what I have or receive.

This story changed that perspective for me.

What about you? What are you grateful for?


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Practicing gratitude and implanting it in our lives through prayer, lists, sharing is a major part in realizing the good we have already, like right now, in our lives! It’s a real game changer.

Meir Kay

Jake Kamensky

Tzvi Simchon

Ariel Francoeur

Michael Trubkin

Thank you Brooklyn Heights Jewish Academy for allowing us to film at your wonderful school.

Shout out to all the talented 1st Graders and Teachers


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