Showing 16 Result(s)

The Neuroscience of Creativity

SUBSCRIBE to BrainCraft for more brain hacks, health tips and stories and psychology (and ring that bell!) 👉 MY PATREON! My Twitter | Instagram Your brain uses lots of different pathways to communicate – which form complex networks in your brain. Creativity depends on the cooperation of two competing networks: one …

InBrief: The Science of Resilience

One way to understand the development of resilience is to picture a balance scale or seesaw. Protective experiences and adaptive skills on one side counterbalance significant adversity on the other. Watch this video to visualize the science of resilience, and see how genes and experience interact to produce positive outcomes for children. This InBrief video …

Is the Mind-Body Connection Scientific?

Neuroscientists Richard Davidson and Amishi Jha and clinical mindfulness expert Jon Kabat-Zinn discuss the science behind the mind-body connection. An excerpt from “Becoming Conscious: The Science of Mindfulness” featuring Steve Paulson, Richard Davidson, Jon Kabat-Zinn & Amishi Jha. The New York Academy of Sciences Wednesday, February 6, 2013 source