Showing 2 Result(s)

The Mind-Body Connection in illness and Wellness | Swami Mukundananda MD Anderson Cancer Center Talk

Subscribe to JKYog Music :- The Official Music Channel for JKYog 📱 Join 21 days Life Transformation Challenge (LTC) with Swami Mukundananda! FREE Sign-up on: #TransformYourLife ▶ Subscribe NOW to get Swamiji’s daily inspirational video: What is the Mind-Body connection? How does our Health relate to our Mind and Body? What is …

Yoga For Focus & Productivity – 10 min practice

Yoga For Focus and Productivity! Reconnect, refocus and tackle it with this 10 minute Yoga With Adriene sequence. Use this practice to reboot the system, soothe the nerves and move circulation. Connect to your breath, reduce stress and anxiety with yoga. A Little Goes A Long way! – – – – – – – – …