Showing 4 Result(s)

Reprogramming your brain to overcome fear: Olympia LePoint at TEDxPCC

Often called “The New Einstein,” Olympia LePoint is best known for her role as an award-winning rocket scientist, science entertainer and educator driving to help people overcome fear. As an internationally-recognized science leader, LePoint helped launch NASA’s Endeavour, Discovery, Columbia, and Atlantis Space Shuttles. She successfully helped launch 28 Space Shuttle Missions into Space. She …

The art of innovation | Guy Kawasaki | TEDxBerkeley

Guy Kawasaki at TEDxBerkeley 2014: “Rethink. Redefine. Recreate.” His talk is titled “The Art of Innovation.” Guy Kawasaki is a special advisor to the Motorola business unit of Google. He is also the author of APE, What the Plus!, Enchantment, and nine other books. Previously, he was the chief evangelist of Apple. Kawasaki has a …

Select the right relationship | Alexandra Redcay | TEDxUpperEastSide

Are you ready to talk about relationships? Alexandra Redcay is the executive director to Serise, Inc. She can be found at Alexandra has over 18 years of direct practice, management, and training experience working in mental health, substance abuse, child welfare, juvenile justice, and education systems. She is an expert consultant in establishing healthy …