Showing 63 Result(s)

Growth Mindset for students – Episode 1/5

Episode 1: A Secret About the Brain Big Ideas mean big conversations. Visit for the full series and ready-to-use resources, including discussion guides for each video. In this five-chapter video series on Growth Mindset, Mojo and Katie explore the different aspects of growth mindset so that teachers and kids everywhere can learn about it …

The Sex-Starved Relationship

Not having enough sex in a relationship could sound like a rather trivial issue, to be laughed off in front of others. But in truth, a shortage of sex threatens relationships like almost nothing else – and deserves thought and attention. For books from The School of Life, visit our online shop: Please help …

Work-Life Balance

The idea of achieving work-life balance is a beautiful dream; it’s also quite impossible, as we should realise without bitterness or frustration. Please subscribe here: If you like our films take a look at our shop (we ship worldwide): Brought to you by Produced in collaboration with Ana Stefaniak #TheSchoolOfLife source

Creative thinking – how to get out of the box and generate ideas: Giovanni Corazza at TEDxRoma

This video is filmed and edited by Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO Corazza is a full-time professor at the Alma Mater Studiorum at the University of Bologna, a member of the Executive Council, and the founder of the Marconi Institute of Creativity. He teaches science and the applications of creative thinking. Why/Which/How/Where/What/When/Experiment. A quick jump …

Reprogramming your brain to overcome fear: Olympia LePoint at TEDxPCC

Often called “The New Einstein,” Olympia LePoint is best known for her role as an award-winning rocket scientist, science entertainer and educator driving to help people overcome fear. As an internationally-recognized science leader, LePoint helped launch NASA’s Endeavour, Discovery, Columbia, and Atlantis Space Shuttles. She successfully helped launch 28 Space Shuttle Missions into Space. She …