Showing 8 Result(s)

Strategies to become more emotional intelligent | Daniel Goleman | WOBI

How can emotional intelligence help us be better leaders? Are we really aware of how we manage ourselves and our relationships? In this video, Daniel Goleman explains the best strategies to improve our emotional intelligence to create better long-term relationships. ——————————————————————————————– For more videos visit the #WOBI YouTube channel   Are you interested watching …

DOCUMENTARY ON EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (What are your emotions not telling you?) MUST WATCH

#EmotionalIntelligence #InspirationalDocumentary #SelfHelp Emotions (the hidden messages) is an educational documentary film about the hidden messages in unpleasant emotions we experience on a day to day basis. The film will help you understand your emotions better by becoming emotionally intelligent and use unpleasant emotions like anger, depression, resentment, fear, envy etc. as a tool for …

Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence | Big Think

Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence New videos DAILY: Join Big Think Edge for exclusive video lessons from top thinkers and doers: ———————————————————————————- Emotional intelligence is a range of abilities, self-awareness, emotional self-management, empathy, social skills. Women tend to be better than men on average at empathy, particularly emotional empathy, sensing in the moment …