Showing 4 Result(s)

14 Effective Conflict Resolution Techniques

Here are some effective conflict resolution techniques – because avoiding conflict isn’t always possible! Conflict is part of life – whether it’s at home, at school, at work or with friends. Having a difference of opinion with someone is certainly no fun. After all, nobody holds a point of view they think is wrong! Thankfully, …

How To Master Your Emotions – Emotional Intelligence

If you want to learn how to master your emotions then simply follow the 7 steps to emotional mastery outlined in this self improvement video. Essentially, emotional intelligence is the ability to manage emotions, understand emotions, perceive emotions and use emotions. If you often feel overpowered by your feelings, you are not alone. We all …

15 Signs You're An INFJ – The World's Rarest Personality Type

Here are 15 signs you’re an INFJ the world’s rarest personality type of the 16 Myers Briggs Personality Types. The MBTI is based on a conceptual theory proposed by Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. INFJ stands for introversion, intuition, feeling and judgment. People of the INFJ personality type …

15 Cute Things Girls Do That Guys Love

It turns out, there are many cute things girls do that guys love. And knowing about these things may also help improve your relationship. Men are visual creatures who want things that look pleasing to their eyes. And generally, girls do not need to try very hard to impress a guy. In fact, they usually …