Showing 725 Result(s)

Ways to Instill Creativity in Children

[ad_1] There are many people who are born with creative skills and yet do not make use of this ability in their lives. This could be because a number of them were not encouraged to show their creativity when they were kids. However, since time has changed greatly, parents should encourage their children for creative …

The Songwriting Habits

[ad_1] Some songwriters just wait for inspiration, those are not likely to succeed. Inspiration comes as a result of work; to get inspired you have to work hard and practice. So, how can you practice songwriting?! The habit of sitting down to actually think about a subject, to look up words in rhyme dictionaries, to …

7 Tips For Productivity

[ad_1] With more demands and what seems like less time, we are all looking for ways to increase productivity during our workdays. Here are 7 simple tips to give you back some control in your workday and help you become more productive. 1. Create a to Do list Before you start each day, make a …

Motivation Management Is the Key of Change

[ad_1] During my career, I have learned that motivation is the most important factor of change. I have seen people who have overcome their addictive behavior only with the high motivation. In addition, I have many people who continue their addictive behaviors despite the fact that they enjoy the various opportunities, such as professional consultants, …

Improve Your Self Awareness For Personal Growth

[ad_1] Self awareness involves being conscious of who you are and how you will react in certain situations – but it’s also more than that. What is Self Awareness? Self awareness is achieved by reflecting on your intentions and your actions. It is being aware of your own emotions and how to channel them in …

Success, Personal Growth – Learn the Secrets of the Successful

[ad_1] Some people seem to succeed easily, almost effortlessly while others struggle to make any progress. If you are struggling, you might be missing something really important for your success. Learning the secrets successful people can give you a tremendous boost in your journey to your dreams. What have all successful people done throughout history …

13 Questions To Test Your Positive Thinking

[ad_1] For you to find out how positive you are, answer all the questions to your best and honest ability as you can using the following scoring system: Points System: Almost Always or Always = 5 Most Usually = 4 Usually Sometimes = 3 Somewhat Rarely = 2 Never Have = 1 Now, write your …

Time Management for Trainers

[ad_1] Time management is a funny thing, its basis in “to do lists” and the world and its friend claiming to have the greatest time management tool available and claim to make you work smarter, not harder etc. Only problem being is that not many of them have any practical worth in the fact that …