Showing 725 Result(s)

Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

[ad_1] Part of the romanticism of entrepreneurship is the thought that entrepreneurs are creative, innovative, go-getters, risk takers, driven. All of that implies a high self-esteem and determination. In reality, having a clear understanding of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship allows managers of institutions and corporations, as well as individual, manage each area differently to get …

The Work-Life Balance Conundrum

[ad_1] I LOVE the following quote. It resonated within me afresh recently. Like all insightful wisdom quotes it oozes truth and speaks into all our lives. The only sad thing for me is some just don’t get it. Here goes: “Forget about trying to achieve the mythical work/life balance. Identify your priorities and make sure …

Stress: Daily Self-Care Habits to Manage Stress

[ad_1] Today we have more stress in our lives than ever before – good stress, bad stress, red stress, blue stress (my little ode to Dr. Seuss). No matter what kind of stress it is, a real crisis or an imagined one, stress is incredibly harmful to our body, mind and soul. Here are my …

How to Not Lose Your Mind

[ad_1] 2020 has been a most unsettling year for us all. If you have been overwhelmed by it all and feel in danger of losing your mind, read on. The constant changes taking place in 2020, uprooting us from our workplaces, sending us into isolation, releasing us and then sending us back again, have impacted …

What Is ‘Source’ in Spiritual Terms?

[ad_1] I often refer to ‘source’ when I am talking to people, as do many other teachers in the area of personal development. I also refer to connecting with source, and surrendering to source. As a result I get frequent questions about what these phrases mean, and how to connect to ‘source’. So here is …

Anger In The Emotional GateKeeper

[ad_1] Anger is our emotional gatekeeper and if used effectively it will provide us with the ability to interact with the world fully aware of when our emotional gates should remain open and when to keep them closed. Imagine the gatekeeper for a moment. She knows that her job is to protect. She also knows …

Handwriting Analysis – A Window to Your Inner Self

[ad_1] Have you ever been amazed by the fact that although most of us followed the same standards when learning to write or probably attended the same institute; why can none of us write in exactly the same way as others does? Why does our handwriting differ so much from each other? Why are they …

Justice to ‘decision Making’

[ad_1] There is a busy & congested road in front of my house. I use this road sometimes driving my car & sometimes walking on foot. Whenever I am driving my car & in a hurry (which is the case mostly), I think,” why so many people are walking on this road? Can’t these people …

Overcoming The Fear Of Responsibility

[ad_1] How do you even begin to find a solution to this fear? To begin, write here under what is your definition to the word responsibility (this definition is very important, write it here before you keep reading, we will re-check something again in this context). _______________________________ What is “taking responsibility”? As children it was …

Analogy of a Frog and Personal Finance

[ad_1] If you were to pick a frog and put it into shallow hot boiled water, the frog will instantly leaped from the pot and jump out to safety. However, if you were to pick up the same frog a little later and then put it into a shallow cold water, the frog will not …