Positive Thinking Motivation Technique For Self Improvement in Your Business and Personal Life


Positive thinking gives you the ability to see the possibilities in every situation. By using this one simple motivation technique you can have constant self improvement and gain the benefits others miss. You will be able to stop other people, and influences outside of your control, bringing you down. Use this technique and you will be seen as a positive person that influences others with their motivated outlook. Motivated people are liked by others and you will receive great benefits in relationships and career building. Being able to use positive thinking in all situations, both personal and work related, will open up more choices for you. While others sit around blaming influences outside their circle of influence you will be looking for the potential and moving forward. People will like being around you and your motivation technique will rub off onto friends and colleagues.

As a manager and trainer I have used this positive thinking technique with sales people and staff I have managed with great success. I’ve taken motivation techniques from the world of NLP and performance coaching and developed this one easy to use idea, so here’s how it works. When we perceive any situation and form an opinion we do it through our mental filters. We use past experiences, our beliefs, and true or false evidence to form our version of the situation on the internal map of reality that we create in our mind. It is these internal filters that influence what we look for in a situation. This positive thinking motivation technique works by re-training those filters to find what’s good in a situation rather than focusing on the negative impact the situation could have on us.

One easy way to re-train your mental focus and start positive thinking is to ask yourself one simple question in every situation. Ask yourself, what’s good about it? Ask what’s good about this situation and your mind will look for the answers within the parameters that you have set in the question. Your mental filters will sort the incoming information and find what could be potentially positive in the situation you are viewing. Once you have found the positives you can then set new questions and find the dangers or negatives if you need to. Taking control of these mental processes leads to constant self improvement and motivation. Asking what’s good about it gives you the opportunity to find positives where others see only negatives. It takes away the defensive reaction of blaming others. You take back control in situations where you used to blame influences outside of your control.

People in a competitive role, such as sales or marketing, will have a great advantage over colleagues and competitors because they will be seeing opportunity where others only see negatives and obstacles. Asking yourself what’s good in a situation is a really effective motivation technique that can have both financial and personal benefits. If you mange people can you imagine your team using this motivation technique. Instead of the usual moaning about decisions made by others, or whining about factors outside of their control, they will look for how they can benefit from the situation. Instead of blaming the company, the customer, or you, they will let others lose motivation and look for how they can benefit.

It’s not easy to suddenly change and see the positive potential in all situations. You are literally re-training your mind to focus in a new direction. After manually focusing your perception you find that this process becomes automatic. At first it is uncomfortable and you slip back into old habits. Then you use positive thinking a few times without any effort and hear yourself stating the potential positives in positions where you would have only seen the negatives in the past. You then become unconsciously competent and you have acquired a new skill of positive thinking.


Source by Stephen Craine

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