Be More Creative – Is Your Creative Environment Helping Or Hindering Your Creativity?


If you visited the North Pole, you could languish in the glorious sunshine, sunbathe on the sandy beaches and admire all the beautiful flowers and plant life…

Oh no, hang on, wrong continent. What you’d actually find at the North Pole is nothing but huge drifting masses of snow covered ice. With fierce blizzards and howling winds much of the time.

So why are there no endless beaches, blossoming flowers and opportunities to top up your suntan here?

Quite simply it’s completely the wrong environment.

More importantly though, what does any of this have to do with helping you be more creative?

Think about the kind of creative environment you’re in most of the time. Environment doesn’t just mean the physical place and surroundings. There are three main elements:

Physical environment: Where you create, is it conducive to your creativity? Do you have all the tools and equipment you need nearby and ready for you to use? Does the décor uplift and inspire you, or is it ugly or distracting? Is your work table or desk suitable for your creative work?

What can you do to make your physical environment a better place for you to create in? What small adjustments can you make that will lead to a significant increase in creativity?

Human environment: Are the people around you when you create supportive? Do they give you the time and space you need to create? Do you communicate with other creative people, share ideas, inspire each other?

How can you spend less time with people who criticise or are unsupportive of your creative projects? What steps can you take to find people that will encourage and praise you and share in your triumphs?

Mental environment: What are your main thoughts and beliefs around creativity? Do you believe you’re creative, find it easy to have new ideas and develop them? Or do you feel you’re actually not very creative at all and will always struggle to create anything worthwhile?

What can you do to boost your creative confidence and self belief? What beliefs can you take on that will help you create more deeply, more easily, and more often?

Just as a flower won’t grow at the North Pole because the environment is so harsh and inhospitable, the same may be happening in your creative life and how you’re allowed to grow as an artist.

We all need support, nurturing, understanding. From ourselves and from other people around us.

How much of that are you getting right now in your creative life?

Pick one thing to change in each of the 3 areas above that you can take action on today to make it easier for your creativity to thrive. Bring on the warmth, bring on the sunshine, and watch your creativity flourish!


Source by Dan Goodwin

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