Missing friends

Missing friends

Having left for Iceland just as Covid-19 started to hit the UK, it’s now been over six weeks since I saw any work colleagues or friends, chums, pals: whatever they want to call themselves.

I’m missing the chance to meet up again, and the freedom to go to places like Dinorwic and Dinorwic.

I’m caught here looking wistfully out at the rain, looking for salvation from the skies and watching out for the Starlink satellites. But even that isn’t happening. Three nights I’ve watched now. Nothing.

But we must be patient. We’ve got to be strong together and self-disciplined or this awful threat will plague us forever.

Looking for the summer …. www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUM88et2SZ0&list=RDA8a6kHQN9B…

Posted by PentlandPirate: Innes House Photography on 2020-04-25 19:43:53

Tagged: , covid-19 , coronavirus , pandemic , wistfully , lockdown , isolation , selfie , thinking of you

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