CANCER UPDAT ( the impending hair loss to come.

CANCER UPDAT  ( the impending hair loss to come.

September 19, 2022
Round six of eight chemo sessions with the new medication was a little less painful with the help of T3s, but still severe bone aches and fatigue. We are now counting down to when we’ll have to vacate our current residence and still no way to cover the expense on my limited sick benefits, the actual move and basic bills like cellphone and car payments. Please review my gofund page or pass it on to anyone who may be in the position to help. I am praying every day for strength, courage and to not have fear of the unknown factor. I pray for you and thank you all for your visit and kind words.

August 26, 2022.
Round five of the chemo sessions with different medications was a real trial with painful side affects in the bones. There will be three more sessions, then surgery followed up with radiation therapy. I haven’t been able to do any photography but I have been painting some of my photos, and will start posting them here in Flickr.. I do have my artwork posted in Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest under my married name Lea Miller. All the while please consider viewing my page as we are in a real pickle with finding a new place to live and covering basic bills and groceries Thank you for your kind words and visits and hope to share good news soon! Keep up with your awesome work with the photography. God bless!

Previous update postings:
A self portrait to fundraise for my breast cancer diagnosis… it’s strange to brush out literally my hair…. I do have beautiful scarves to wear, thankfully. Will keep you posted with the progress of the battle as I believe, with God leading, I will overcome!

THANK YOU TO MY FELLOW FLICKR FRIENDS FOR YOUR KIND WORDS AND SUPPORT. HAVE NOW HAD THREE CHEMO SESSIONS AND I AM PLEASED AND SO HAPPY TO REPORT THAT THE TUMOR HAS SHRUNK FROM 9CM TO 5CM,.THIS PROCESS IS VERY FATIGUING AND MY CONCENTRATION IS LIMITED, but am still trying to get out to snap some photos and have added paintings and artwork as I convalesce. We are also trying to find a new residence as the current landlord is making things very difficult. Please remember to consider my gofundme page or pass it on to others. THANK YOU AND BLESSINGS TO YOU!!

Posted by Lea Miller on 2022-07-03 07:19:34

Tagged: , Selfportrait , Breast_cancer , health , love , help

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