5 Strategies To Handle/ Overcome Fears!


How, we respond to stresses, and tensions, and/ or, potential fears, and anxieties, often, differentiates, between, proceeding, in a somewhat, stress – free (or manageable manner), and letting our fears, control us (often, in a debilitating, self – limiting, manner)! In fact, Dr. Hans Selye, was awarded, the Nobel Prize, for his work, related to handling stresses, and differentiating, between, stress, which we use to make us stronger or better (he referred to these, as eustress), and those, which are harmful! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 personal strategies, to handle, and/ or, overcome personal fears, etc.

1. Admit them!: You can’t improve/ fix, anything, unless/ until, you, first, admit they exist! Many of us, resort to denial, which, instead of helping us, handle our personal issues/ weaknesses, etc, are, merely, a type of procrastination! When, we procrastinate, the result is, generally, putting – off, until tomorrow, things, we should have, already, done, yesterday, or before!

2. Face them – Don’t procrastinate: Procrastination is, perhaps, one of the worst responses, to any obstacles, but, even, worse, when it comes to overcoming personal fears, and/ or, anxieties! Instead, face any fear, proactively, and consider, why you are afraid, what the possible ramifications of any actions, may be, and create a viable path, to pursue, consistently!

3. Focus on relevant, sustainable solutions: Although, procrastinating, is an error, acting, without, thoroughly, considering, various, viable options, and alternatives, is, also! Thoroughly, consider, and examine, your choices, and which one, will make the best, possible, impact, etc. You should, consistently, seek, a quality, relevant, sustainable solution, using the finest, course, of action, instead of settling for, the path, of least resistance! Seek to demand your utmost degree of personal excellence, rather than, accepting, good – enough!

4. Commit to giving yourself a check – up, from the neck – up: How well do you know, yourself, and what makes you happiest, strongest, and most satisfied? To do so, you must commit to, being, objective, and introspective, and taking the time, and making a concerted effort, to conduct, a thorough, check – up, from the neck – up!

5. Positive, can – do, attitude: Self – doubts, create a greater likelihood, of permitting, fears, to overwhelm, you! Inner strength, comes from proceeding, consistently, with a true, positive, can – do, attitude! You can think you can, or can’t. Either way, you’ll be correct!

If, you wish to overcome your personal fears, anxieties, and self – limitations, it’s important, to proceed, with a strategy, which will make you stronger, and more open, to seeing challenges, instead of problems! Are you, up to these tasks/ steps?


Source by Richard Brody

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