You Are A Well-Spring of Creativity


Simply the act of writing generates ideas, emotions, thoughts, feelings and images that tug at your heart and rouse your vision. Though you may not know why you need to write, or what your thoughts will morph into, it is the act of writing that is important.

At the rough draft stage of story or article development, free writing is welcome, even necessary. At this stage, you need to see what is willing to come out.

The power of this kind of fast and loose writing is that it generates a positive YES into your mind and soul.

Name the Unnamable

Free writing says YES to your subconscious, and YES to naming what was before unnamable, primarily your feelings and mental pictures. In this way, you can identify, examine, share and release.

Knowledge is power. The power is in the writing. By writing your fears, hopes and dreams, you pull them out of your subconscious where they may influence you into the light, where you can be in control of them.

The Well Overflows

Free writing says YES to your infinite well-spring of creativity because writing down a line, a word, a phrase, or pages — you’re telling your subconscious to send you MORE. The more you allow your creative ideas to flow, the more they will pour into your mind.

Free up Brain Space

Contrary to the niggling worry that you are wasting your time, your freedom at the flash writing stage actually releases the static of worry. Because you’re clearing out the debris in the closet of your mind, you can better hear your intuition and creative mind whenever it shows up.

Free up brain space to write by first spending at least twenty minutes free writing before you dive into your project. This works well when you have an hour or more for your writing. If you only have fifteen to twenty minutes to write, a two minute list-making session serves the same purpose of getting it all out. In just two minutes, name all your concerns, worries, laundry list of to-do’s that’s clamoring for your time. And because you’ve set aside this couple minutes to write, just list them. Assure yourself that you’ll get to the to-do’s, but now you are focusing and validating your creativity by writing your book or article for the next fifteen to twenty minutes. This is a decent length of time to write at least the start of a scene or outline an article.


Lastly, free writing feels good. Besides that, it’s fun! Fun to move pen across paper, or fingers across keyboard. It is part of the care and feeding of your soul. You are taking care of yourself. Congratulations!

To recap, free writing generates ideas, says YES to your creative engine, frees up brain space and is an excellent way to take care of yourself.

Give yourself the gift of writing it all down.


Source by Beth Barany

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