Ego: Is It Self – Confidence, Bravado, Pretending, Or Insecurity?


We, often, listen, and/ or, observe, someone, or something, which makes us perceive, some individual, with a huge ego! The reality is, what one may believe, is egocentric, someone else, may consider, merely, necessary, self – confidence! Often, there is a fine – line, between the two behaviors, etc! Whether, the contributing factor, is, true self – confidence, bravado, pretending (fooling ourself and others), or a form of insecurity, it usually, is personally beneficial, to know, which one drives us, in an objective – introspective way, and, periodically, performing an honest, comprehensive, check – up, from the neck – up! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, what this means and represents, and why it matters.

1. Self – confidence: Most, truly, self – confident, individuals, do not need, to, pat – themselves – on – the – back! Therefore, when we hear someone, overly, bragging, etc, it often, translates, less, to excessive, ego, than, to sole insecurity, and/ or, self – doubts!

2. Bravado: When we hear, the concept, of, bravado, it often, creates an image, of a brave, fearless, individual sometimes, excessively, willing, to make mistakes/ errors! On the other hand, it, generally, has very little to do, with, actual, self – confidence! Although, we may try to fool – ourselves, it is rarely, constructive, helpful, and/ or, realistic!

3. Pretending/ fooling self and/ or others: Some want others to believe, they are smarter, better, more – capable, and/ or, in some ways, have certain powers, and/ or, abilities, which make them exceptional/ better than the rest – of – the – pack! No matter how much one wants to, or commits to trying to fool – himself, and others, it rarely, is helpful, especially, in a true, relevant, sustainable manner! There is a huge difference, between, pretending, and having a helpful, ego, which benefits, one’s well – being, performance, actions, etc!

4, Insecurity: In my decades, as a consultant, leader, trainer, and planner, as well as conducting thousands of personal development programs, and seminars, I have come to realize, and recognize, more often, than, not, what some believe indicates ego, is, actually, evidence of some sort of personal insecurity/ insecurities, etc!

The better, each of us, get to know – ourselves, and get, in – touch – with, our feelings/ priorities/ perceptions, etc, the greater the chance, we know, when, our mind – set, is true, realistic, and relevant, and, when, it is not! Will you try, to be, the best, you can be?


Source by Richard Brody

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