6 Practical Ways To Stamp Out Negative Thoughts and Be More Positive


Thoughts are powerful things. They can literally empower you with confidence and motivation, or drain your energy and rob you of your get up and go. Clearly, thinking positive thoughts and maintaining a positive mindset is crucial for self-growth, but it isn’t always that easy, right?

Admittedly, our thoughts are one of the hardest things to control, but there are a few painless strategies you can put to use right away to get negative thoughts under-control.

#1 Cultivate Mindfulness

Mindfulness simply means to live in the moment – the here and now. When you think about it, the present moment is the only moment that matters. The past is the past and the future has yet to happen. I think Eckhart Tolle summed it up best with, “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”

#2 Stop Labelling Yourself

Negative thoughts like “I’m not good enough,” “I could never achieve that,” or “why does my life suck,” are self sabotaging thoughts that feed your emotions and lower your self-esteem. From now on, listen out for that nagging voice in your mind, and pinch yourself when you do catch yourself labelling yourself or putting yourself down.

#3 You Gotta Roll With It

The famous band Oasis hit the nail on the head when they sung “you gotta roll with it.” Of course, life is a roller coaster with many ups and downs. And you will experience rough patches where your will is going to be tested. But challenge yourself to look for the positive in everything and remind yourself that there’s always a silver lining in the clouds.

#4 Selective Ignorance

External influences such as media and other people can have a significant impact on your own mental attitude. Choose to empower yourself with feedback and solicitations that are positive. Watching inspirational seminars, reading positive quotes, and listening to comedians are a few simple ways to empower your mind with positivity. Likewise, surround yourself with positive people and steer clear of those who drain your positive energy.

#5 Keep Your Mind Busy

If your mind is burdened with negative thoughts then get stuck into something to take your mind off it. Find productive activities that not only occupy the mind but leave you feeling positive and good, even if it’s just a few house chores, anything that keeps your mind positively occupied is an effective tool for stamping out negative thoughts fast.

#6 Practice Meditation Daily

My favorite past time. Meditating truly is a powerful tool that can help you block out negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. Through daily meditation, you will learn to cultivate mindfulness and you will gain more control over your thoughts. Try it for 30 days. Just set aside 10 minutes a day for the next thirty days to work on finding your inner-zen.

The Bottom Line

There you have it, six practical tips to stamp out negative thoughts and cultivate a positive attitude. Puts these tips to use today and you will soon have those negative thoughts under-control.


Source by Ricky P O’ Shea

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