4 Marital Conflict Resolution Suggestions


The somewhat depressing but well-known statistic about marriage is that about 50% (half) of them end in divorce. It is unfortunate that so many marriages today are in turmoil. There are three main eventual results that occur when people are in an unhappy marriage:

1. they end up getting a divorce;

2. the grin and bear it but remain in their unhappy marriage;

3. they get help and make things better.

If your marriage is in trouble and you have been looking for marital conflict resolutions, you should know that there are many ways to tackle the issues you face. Of course, they require that both partners are totally committed to saving the relationship. For example, many couples start by going to marriage counseling.

In addition to counseling, there are a number of things you can work on together (without going to counseling) to save your marriage. None of them are particularly complicated or require unreasonable amounts of effort, provided that both of you are committed to making things work.

Here are 4 marital conflict resolution suggestions:

First, it is important to accept that nobody has a perfect, flawless marriage all of the time. In fact, almost nobody ever attains perfection in their marriage, even for short periods of time. Whenever you have two people who choose to share their time, resources, hopes, dreams and in some cases even children together – every day for the rest of their lives – there are bound to be challenges. Success in a marriage must be built upon the common goal of facing and overcoming the rough spots together.

Second, you will want to make strong communication a cornerstone of your marriage. When communication breaks down, issues are bound to arise. The essential thing is to be honest with your spouse. Nearly every issue and problem you face can be solved if you keep communication strong. One important first step: spend more quality time together – you will be amazed at how much more naturally communication will come to you.

The third suggestion is: be willing to compromise with each other. Many successfully-married couples have made compromise into an art. If you are both willing to meet in the middle on some issues, you can usually both come away feeling good about how you resolved it. Marriage involves compromise in most things. Doing this expertly requires knowing when to push for your way and when to yield to the wishes of your spouse.

Fourth and finally, successful marriage is all about commitment. After all, if your car broke down on the side of the road, would you just leave this valuable investment of yours there never to return? No! You would go get help and try to revive it. The only time you would give up on your car is if there were no hope left. Saving your marriage entails the same level of commitment toward making things work.

Of course, some marriages, like some cars, have been through so much that they cannot be fixed and must be abandoned. In other words, divorce is inevitable in these cases. But, these instances are more rare than they may appear to if you just rely upon the divorce statistics. In most cases, if you work together with your partner to resolve the issues that have made your marriage unhappy, you can succeed in restoring your marriage to its former glory.


Source by Marie-Claire Smith

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