Common Comfrey….

Common Comfrey....

So common I had never heard of it lol..nor seen it before. I was enchanted by it and have at least 30 different shots all varying in shades of red, pink and white and blue and white. The reason for this choice today was my effort in doing the 50 mile round drive to take photos before the morning dew had burned off. Would have been simpler to take a spray bottle i’m sure. I hoped to show here more of the capabilities of the vintage lens which again is The Meyer Gorlitz.Trioplan Red v 50mm 2.9 which was mounted on a Sony A7 series camera along with an m42 washer type mount and a helicoid. The plant was on a bank with its fern like tendrils curling this way and that and so was not easy to get on the same focal plane and my knee took a right hammering…..
Ps my decision making made me swap the best dew bokeh shot of deep red flowers to this shot with the variegated red and pink flowers 🙂

Posted by Sue-Elleanor on 2022-04-04 07:31:48

Tagged: , Sony-A7M2 , MOG-Trioplan-50mm-2.9 , Vintage-Lens , Manual , Balanced-on-a-painful-knee , Hand-held , Varied-colours , Fernlike-tendrils-of-flowers , Common-Comfrey , Lincolnshire , Hubbards-Hill-Woods , NO-Sharpening , Astonishing-results-helicoid , All-camera-settings-normal , Slight-crop , NOT-Saturated , Out-of-camera-colours

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