Work Life Balance – Maximizing Your Time


The sources of 21st century pressure continue to grow. Based on my experience with busy professionals I find that time management techniques, while important and useful, are simply not a sufficient remedy.

So what CAN you do?

One of the most important things you can do to manage your time and reduce stress is to evaluate honestly what is MOST important for you in your life. Not what you think should be important, or what someone else thinks should be important, or what we’ve been taught should be important. Rather, what you, deep in your heart, want most. Those of you who coach with me know that I have a number of methods to assist with this. But here’s a simple one you can try on your own:

Answer these three questions, in order:

1. If you could center your life around just one thing what would it be?

2. If you could add just one more thing, what would it be?

3. A third? A fourth? A fifth?

Remember, by “one thing” I mean just that, “one”. Also remember that the right answer is what is right for YOU. If you find yourself thinking things like, “but I should…”, or “I need to…”, dig a little deeper to ensure that this thought reflects your need vs. someone else’s. If can genuinely be honest with yourself, your true desires will emerge.

Note: This exercise, while short, may not be easy. I encourage you to take some time to think this through in order to be very clear. Limit yourself to 5 choices.

Life can be like an All-You-Can- Eat Buffet, a smorgasbord brimming with enticing options. Choose judiciously and you will have a varied and fulfilling experience. Overload your plate and you may find yourself overstuffed and unsatisfied.

To Your Health and Success!

Minna Keller


Source by Minna Keller

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