Communication Skills Training – Essential For Both Managers and Staff


Communication skills are an integral part of personal development in any person. With the proper skills, a person can interact better with individuals and also put their point across in a better manner. It is a misconception that such training is needed only in the corporate world. Such a training is useful even in personal life, in fact, the right skills can be used even to better understand your spouse, relatives and friends.

Given below are some tips for communication skills training.

Don’t Hear, Listen

This might be the most clichéd of communication skills training tip, but it never hurts to repeat a good thing. The first and foremost mistake that we commit during communicating is that we do not listen to what the person has to say, but rather wait for the person to stop speaking and get on with our point. If we take out the time to listen to what the person is saying, maybe the communication will take a better, positive turn.

Mind the Body Language

Communication is not only about speaking. There are several other aspects to communication skills, like the body language. When you are communicating with a person, make sure that your body language is not too negative or too aggressive. Keep a positive vibe about yourself, and also pay more attention to where your look while talking.

Meeting the eyes of the person you are speaking with on a random basis and especially when you are saying something that is being discussed, increases the chances of the person believing in what you are saying.

Use Professional Language

The type of language that you use is also a necessary aspect of communication skills. To be on the safe side, always use cordial and positive language. In fact, if communication skills is a movie, the language that you use is the superstar. Everything depends on the language that you use. You would sometimes have to use neutral language, and sometimes you would have to subtly aggressive language, etc.

Don’t Warble

The world has changed a lot since the past few years. While a few years ago everyone wanted to have long conversations that would clarify everything, today most of us would prefer to have clear and concise conversations which would be to the point and therefore be less time consuming as compared to other conversations.

Keep your conversation length to the minimum, also, if possible, try to jot down the important pointers that you wish to put across during the course of the conversation and try to think about the responses that you would get for these points. This will not only help you streamline the conversation, but there are chances that you will be able to control the conversation and take it where you want it to go.

These are some of the important aspects that one is taught in the communication skills training that they attend.


Source by Kelly Hunter

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