Attitude of Servitude and Gratitude


The real passion of the twentieth century is servitude.

– Albert Camus

‘Nobody is having service attitude here; everybody is working only for salary. But, everybody wants promotions and incentives. How can we achieve our goals and how this company will progress’? One day my Boss was lamenting in a regular review meetings. I started thinking. What is this service attitude? It is well known as Servitude. A person with an attitude to serve his family, company, society will generally possess this quality of servitude. One who is not having the attitude of service is selfish and may not be able to progress and achieve something different in life.

It is true that in the beginning we work for our bread and butter and to feed our family. It is not selfishness. As Sadguru Jhaggi Vasudev rightly put it; it can be named as ‘Positive Selfishness’. We work hard to prove our self and achieve a status and position in the Society. We become selfish and always focus on our needs and our family needs and never taking care of the Society which is always a reflection of suffering and sadness. Warren Buffet says ‘Help others; that will become your business and you will prosper’! How many of us ready to serve others giving some time for the Society where we live in? In a world of ever growing globalization and the world fast becoming a global village; it is the need of the hour that we serve each others’ interest and become partners in progress in the development of mankind.

Then who are the Personalities whom we can emulate to follow the great quality of servitude. ‘Apostle of servitude’ Mother Teresa, though a government employee serving the government organization, who destined to become the Father of Indian Missile Technology Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, a great dreamer who is just a petrol pouring boy in a Burma Shell Company who dreamed big of becoming a owner of chain of Petrol bunks; who is none other than the Founder Chairman of Indian Company Reliance Industries Ltd, the Company which owns petrol wells across India and having its own petrol bunks; realizing the dream of its Founder, Ratan Tata, who always strive to serve the Society through his Company’s prestigious products who has given the world, the small car and motivated all other automotive companies to produce small cars and got global award for his dream car Tata ‘Nano’, Jesus Christ, who sacrificed his life for the sake of mankind and who was treated like a common man by the Rulers of the Society of his days, is a personified attitude of servitude – all these and many more can be quoted as examples who are the apostles of servitude and gratitude towards the Society where they live in.

There is attitude in gratitude. If you do not have the quality of gratitude towards the Society where you live, we may not be able to live in peace and universal brotherhood as propounded by Swami Vivekananda. We have to strive to live up to the expectations of the greats of our contemporary society and always remember the eternal quote of Mother Teresa ‘This life is a gift of God; what you achieve with this life is your gift to God’.

Attitude of servitude and gratitude is the only way to achieve goals you set for your family, Society, Company and Country.


Source by Challa S.S.J. Ram Phani

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