Winner of the third place of the month of June 2017

Winner of the third place of the month of June 2017

Your photograph been chosen winner of the "third place" after having gone through a comparative check against the other photographs submitted, we considered that editing, color management, light compensation, are very elegantly made.
Certainly an excellent job and decision in photographic approach.


"(The Critic is a place of constructive and motivational animating aid.)"

"(El Crítico es un lugar de animación constructiva y motivadora)"

Please understand that this certificate is part of a work of appreciation that I do between my wife and me.
The photos that I choose, enter into a photographic quality analysis within the different modalities and if they are artistically fit within what is "photography".
My job is to analyze the quality of the photo, its framing, dynamics, artistic style, perspective, color balance, light compensation and mainly the edition.
The work my wife does is to analyze the effect of the visual balance and the process of psychic acceptance within the natural phenomena of consciousness.
This is to give you some kind of appreciative motivation in your photographs, "which I consider to be of great value for everyone who receives a certificate"
This critical work that we do in private and without attacking the sensitivity of people, is done between my wife and me.
We are based on an emotional motivation and of course without any kind of monetary or recognition interest.
The Critic is a "Group of appreciation and constructive criticism"

Por favor, entiendan que este certificado es parte de un trabajo de apreciacion que hago entre mi esposa y yo.
Las fotos que yo escojo, entran en un analisis de calidad fotografica dentro de las distintas modalidades y si son aptas artísticamente dentro de lo que es "fotografia".
Mi trabajo es analizar la calidad de la foto, su encuadre, dinámica, estilo artístico, perspectiva, balance del color, compensación de la luz y principalmente la edicion.
El trabajo que hace mi esposa es analizar el efecto del visual balance y el proceso de aceptación psíquica dentro de los fenómenos naturales de la consciencia.
Esto es para darles a ustedes algun tipo de motivación apreciativa en vuestras fotografías, "cosa que considero de gran valor para cada cual que reciba un certificado"
Este trabajo de crítica que lo hacemos en privado y sin atacar la sensibilidad de las personas, es hecho entre mi esposa y yo.
Nos basados en una motivación anímica y como es natural sin ningún tipo de interés monetario o de reconocimiento.
El Critico es un "Grupo de apreciacion y crítica constructiva"


Position number three is a privileged position, which tells you that you must understand why you are there.
In many competitions of art, photographs, athletics, etc., this position reiterates that you must attend more about what possibly happened to you, and how you should improve yourself. But this position tells you that you no lost the competition, but that you are a possible chosen to be a winner of the first or second place in the near future.

La posición número tres es una posición privilegiada, que te dice que debes de entender por que tu estas ahi.
En muchas competencias de arte, fotografías, atletismo, etc, esta posición te reitera que debes de atender mas sobre lo que posiblemente te sucedio, y como debes de mejorarte. Pero esta posición no te dice que perdiste la competencia, si no que eres un posible elegido para ser un ganador del primero o segundo lugar en un futuro próximo.

Posted by Aglez the city guy ☺ on 2017-07-15 22:23:59

Tagged: , Certificate-of-appreciation.

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