“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”
― Jimi Hendrix

“A message of peace on this day for everyone … you are me and I am you. We are brothers and sisters of the World” – AP

Soundtrack :

Shed the many coats of your forefathers
those whose knowledge passed down through the years
let dust consume those old and fragile manuscripts
listen, really listen to your fears
hearsay is our assumed reality
we act on words of others almost blindly
let’s rely upon our instincts that run deeper
like a river flowing through us; speak out kindly
all our needs are met in perfect moments
don’t be another witness passing by
lift up your consciousness; I am beside you
I am here for you; I hear you; feel your cry
I am not the sum of all that has befallen me
I will not allow myself to be that so defined
I can rise up high to float amongst the ether
and eradicate all those words that so malign
within you each a light shines ever brighter
yet words of others still snuff out the flame
I urge you now; stop listening to these voices
they’re not yet so enlightened; they’re not to blame
raise your thoughts to goodness all around you
there are miracles in everything you see
the caterpillar that becomes a lovely butterfly
transition sure; complete and positively
if we are to find peace amid the chaos
we have to metamorphasize ourselves
take this new day and spin good thoughts so golden all around
make a better world for all not just yourselves
yes, words are easy; I don’t have all the answers
I often fail; I often doubt myself
but the first day of the rest of my life is in the here and now
and I will try to make my words and actions count
it only takes a random act of kindness
to make a stranger smile and feel complete
a tiny seed is planted for the future
and passed on to the next one he will meet
and so your one small act of goodness
is slowly spread throughout this world of ours
until the hate and wars are left behind us
and love and beauty grows like precious flowers.

– AP – Copyright © remains with and is the intellectual property of the author

Copyright © protected image please do not reproduce without permission

Posted by Zen Beyond the LenZ on 2017-04-14 13:53:58

Tagged: , Andra Day , Jimi Hendrix , AP , Poppy , Poppy Cocqué , soundtrack , poem , poetry , prose , quotations , Rise Up , There Are Miracles In Everything You See , peace , Good Friday , cat , Bubbles , Mr Bubbles , SOOC , straight out of camera , quotes , love , friendship , brothers , sisters , message , Easter , Happy Easter , close-up , portrait , animal , pet , family , whiskers , eyes , reflections , P☆ppy C☆cqué

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