Purple Day – Epilepsy Awareness …

Purple Day - Epilepsy Awareness ...

Purple Day is a global grassroots event that was formed with the intention to increase worldwide awareness of epilepsy, and to dispel common myths and fears of this neurological disorder.

​Purple day was created in 2008 by Cassidy Megan, a young girl from Canada, who has epilepsy and wanted to get people talking about the condition. Cassidy decided to use the colour purple because lavender is recognised as the international flower of epilepsy. Cassidy not only wanted to raise awareness but also assure people with epilepsy that they are not alone.

Purple day has grown to be a global event and we are proud to be an an official Purple Day partner and raise awareness of the impact epilepsy can have on people’s lives. There are so many ways you can help us start a conversation, and make difference this Purple day.

You are very tolerant of my writing messages about Epilepsy, and helping to share detail of what it is like to live with Epilepsy. There are stories that are unpleasant but also I want to share that with understanding and some life changes, there are times when life can be enjoyed to the full. To see a person suffering an epileptic attack can be very, very scary, but I urge you, overcome that feeling, do not walk away or look away, that person needs your support.

Awareness is key to helping, emotionally, if not physically, as a father of a young man who has uncontrollable epilepsy, I am delighted to speak about our experiences and how we have cared for our son through different situations. If you need to ask me anything, do so. For me awareness is not just today, but every day of every year and I will continue to share what I know and experience in the hope someone gets benefit from what I share.

Thank you for listening and thank you All for your support of our family :-))

Posted by Just call me, Paul on 2022-03-26 09:40:08


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