Idea Week Final Poster

Idea Week Final Poster

This image is for Idea Week which will take place in South Bend, IN on April 21-29, 2018. The font I have chosen to use is Americana XBdCn BT. The location of the images used and their information are listed below.

Photo from Pixabay by Elisa Riva

My pic for background:
Photo uploaded to Flickr by me

The Idea Week symbol in the top left hand corner was provided to me.

The idea behind this poster was to spark the idea of creativity into the minds of those that pass it. I am hoping if seen it is an image that will draw in people’s attention and make them curious. The light bulb also represents creativity and innovation. Against the black background the bright lightbulb will hopefully draw in people’s attention and get them to look. The four words used: "Meet, Create, Learn, Play" were given as the core framework for the week.

Edits were made in Photoshop and include…adding 4 ellipse shapes, changing the hue to -61, changing the brightness to 49, changing the saturation to +14, and changing the lightness to -92. The original background image taken was green but was edited to appear black.

Posted by cpuntill on 2018-03-06 22:46:23

Tagged: , #ideaweek , #creativity , #innovation

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