Gratitude Paper Crafting Ideas And Scrapbooking Projects


Gratitude is a known mood boostser. Being grateful and paper crafting have at least two things in common; people have reported improved moods in response to both scrapbooking and gratitude practices. So, why not combine these two?

Some simple ways we already use gratitude in our paper crafting include the following.

1. Scrapbook thank you cards

2. Scrapbooking photos which memorialize those people and events for which we’re thankful.

3. Paper crafting mantras which display words like gratitude, appreciation and reminders to stay thankful.

Gratitude is the opportunity to look at what means the most to you and remain focused on it. Using paper crafting can combine these qualities with the rewards received while doing crafts.

What ideas can we generate besides the ones above?

Look at the areas in your life that you’d like to receive more. That’s a start. If you can focus on some aspects that you’re grateful for in one area, and then celebrate those, this could be an avenue tor receiving more.

This could also give you the sense of control over this aspect that could help you feel more grounded in that area. This is the kind of control that leads you to feel more capable of handling the challenges, not the one which makes you feel wholly responsible for everything. If you can grasp a part of the task which you can participate in and create strides with, the kind of healthy control mentioned above is possible.

Getting to a more grounded state in your efforts can make you less likely to make mistakes because of unreasonable pressure and stress. This is the kind of thinking we make use of when trying to get a grasp new sets of information, in a class for instance, or when applying for jobs; as we master a particular aspect, a reasonable aspect that is attainable through repeated action, we open up to a greater capacity to grow in those areas.

The same could be true for a practice of focusing on what you do have using the scrapbooking and paper crafting world. Look for what means the most you, amplifying the positive aspects and representing the outcome you want. Use the kind and encouraging words which motivate rather than send you into self-critical modes.

Choosing words that motivate you is a personal process that you can start by evaluating how you feel and throwing as many ideas in the air, testing them each for a good feeling.


Source by Al Tinas

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