

I took this photo last spring. I posted it previously as a part of some challenge or another. I am really not feeling much energy for digging out all my equipment, setting it up, and shooting something that is percolating in my head, so I decided to make something new of an old photo. Reprocessing is sometimes fun. I find it sort of Zen. I got the idea to create something related to the theme of gratitude from reading through a contacts responses to a project she is doing for herself on the subject. Check out Cécile’s project here. She has a very unique, airy style full of pastel colours. I am certain you will enjoy her work. Also, I highly recommend my contact, Jeanne’s album Life is Beautiful. It is a chronicle of the things, little and big, with special meaning in her life.

Posted by one_man’s_life on 2015-11-10 21:30:46

Tagged: , gratitude

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