Showing 5 Result(s)

The 3 Qualities Needed to Constantly Advance in Your Career

The 3 Qualities Needed to Constantly Advance in Your Career – For detailed notes for this video, visit Visit the official Valuetainment Store for gear: Last week in our staff meeting, I asked everybody, “Can you tell me why I require every single one of us to read a book a month? Why …

Understanding the Mind Body Connection The Interaction Between Neurotransmitters, Thoughts & Emotion

Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Qualified Clinical Supervisor. She received her PhD in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Florida in 2002. In addition to being a practicing clinician, she has provided training to counselors, social workers, nurses and case managers internationally since 2006 through Understanding the Mind Body …

OSHO: Emotional Wellness – Almost Drunk With Emotion

OSHO: Emotional Wellness – Almost Drunk With Emotion Emotions that we don’t know how to handle effectively lie at the core of so many difficulties in the life of the individual. They play a profound role in how we feel about ourselves, and can even affect our physical health. Expressing our emotions can often …