Showing 3 Result(s)

WORST Doctor Lifestyle Specialties

These are the worst lifestyle specialties for doctors, meaning the physicians with the least predictable and worst hours, lowest pay, and most challenging work. The lifestyle quality of a specialty comes down to three main factors: (1) the hours you work, meaning the predictability and total number per week, (2) the amount of money you …

Best Doctor Lifestyle Specialties

They say being a doctor is great – you’ll help people, make a lot of money, and work reasonable hours. But that isn’t the case for every doctor specialty. These are the specialties to consider if you’re looking for lifestyle – high pay and low hours. 💌 Sign up for my weekly newsletter – …

Self-Discipline | Why It’s Important & How to Master Self-Control

Self-discipline and willpower are two of the biggest secrets to success. Improving, cultivating, and growing your self-control and self-discipline will serve you well in both your personal and professional life. Discipline is important because it allows us to live our lives the way we want. As a student, discipline allows you to study more effectively …