

The other day, a Flickr friend e-mailed and asked me (rhetorically, I’m sure) how we got to be such good friends. I don’t have a lot of time to deal with that question at the moment but… here’s my theory.

Flickr (like other online communities) allows us to relate to one another almost solely on the basis of our intellects. It’s largely unencumbered by the weight of physicality…. and therefore easier, with less obligation.

I have more to say on the topic, but no time to write right now.

If you wanna share your own thoughts, please fire away. I’d love to see this from your perspective.

Posted by McNeney on 2008-01-23 16:32:04

Tagged: , this photo courtesy of my friendly local breast tree , which grows not far from the butt tree , i figure… if you’re gonna sport a pair of fake boobs , they might as well be made from natural materials , and what could be more natural than a tree? , i also like the suggestion here of some kind of cross-breeding , bring it on, I say , i would trade my human form for a tree’s anatomy any day

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