Parental care

Parental care

I had an enjoyable 6 weeks travel in the North of the Netherlands where the main goal was to visit places with nice bird life. I am still working on my pictures (this time only 2000 shots).

This nice shot was taken in a bird observation hut where this little wren was having its nest (next to some barn swallows who also took residence here).

I stayed for at least one hour to see him/her working continuously and bringing lots of food, that seemed to be abundant. It was fun to watch, and to see this little wren overcoming its fear for me, every time he/she entered the hut. (In a week from now I will be off again, this time the south of Nl).

Posted by Wim van de Meerendonk, back for spring! on 2022-05-31 10:08:04

Tagged: , vogel , winterkoning , wren , bird , Leekstermeer , nature , Netherlands , the Netherlands , Nederland , animal , birds , ethology , Green , Sony , telelens , Wimvandem , Wildlife , GoldDragon , COTH , Bird Watcher , coth5

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